So we made our own computer
OOC: OMFG I so sorry.

Cambria was also indeed a nice name. Flayra could see that the young pup was calm. That what the female would like since there was nothing to be frightened about. Maybe the rain and thunder, but not the female, since she wasn't some sort of a pup eating monster. Flayra was calm too. Maybe the pup was calm because the female was too. The female was always the calm one when it came to the forces of nature. She found that there was nothing to worry about.

Another clap of thunder scared the pup again as she asked about why does it have to make noises and flashes like that. That was indeed a difficult question to answer, but Flayra tried to think a good answer that would resonable. "Well, blue skies don't, but rain clouds do. It's like, the sky is not in a good mood and the clouds and thunder is a way of showing it off, I guess." Flayra explained it nicely, but she wondered if the pup would take it as an answer.

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