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The Aatte male had changed a lot in his one year of life. He had been an exuberant pup, full of energy and imagination and never afraid to go up to a stranger and make a new friend. He was very different now. That same happy, considerate pup still was a part of him, but he was no longer so naive. The hybrid had hardened in the face of everything he had endured and gone through. He was doing his best to take it in stride and letting it make him stronger though. Practicing with his sword and stamina had become a release for him. It was an important exercise for him to go through but it had become cathartic as well. He remembered how Cwmfen had told him that the mind was as important as the body in battle. He would need to seek the Dahlian out again, perhaps they could spar.

The Knight was walking around the territory, Vowkeeper strapped in its usual place across his back. Drogon was in the stables, he had chosen not to ride today. The stallion could use a break and Haven could use the chance to keep his legs strong. It seemed it would be another uneventful patrol but soon the sounds of a scuffle came to him. His jaws pressed together and his muscles tensed. This was not good. Haven jogged with purpose towards the fight, one hand reaching behind his head to pull the longsword from its sheath.

The sight that met his eyes was not what he had expected, Firefly and Svara engaged in battle. He had heard tell of the ex-Constable's return and how poorly she had treated and respected everyone. It was not the kind of behavior he would put up with. Haven smelled and saw the blood of Firefly and a white hot anger rose up in his chest. It didn't matter who had started this, but it was ending now and the Serf was not going to get away free. "ENOUGH!" His voice was deep and loud, words accented with a rumbling growl. Jade eyes flashed dangerously. It would be a very poor choice for the scarred woman to continue in this vein.


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