Following The White Rabbit.
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Snake’s flat eyes seemed surprised as he heard Daisuke chuckle at his confession. That wasn’t really the reaction that he was expecting—usually an explanation on his mental situation warranted raised eyebrows and unsure frowns. He listened, somewhat fascinated, at how the golden wolf responded. While Snake had long since resigned himself to being the way he was now forever, the thought of emotions lying within him, locked away like criminals, was something that hadn’t really occurred to him. While he was very skeptical of that, it was something to think about, at least. Of course, any mention of children in relation to this coyote made him frown distinctly. He didn’t understand family when he was the child—the thought of fathering was something that seemed as outlandish to him as launching himself towards the moon. But, as usual, he didn’t have to wait long before the wolf whisked the conversation to a different route. Snake nodded at Daisuke’s offer, though he wasn’t sure he’d use it. He still didn’t believe that he needed a last name.

At the wolf’s musing over the issue of wolves and coyotes and their prolonged struggles against each other, one could almost see the ghost of amusement steal across Snake’s usually-blank face. He could almost see the wolf sneaking about the wolf packs of the area, trying to figure out what the problem was and why everyone couldn’t love one another. Of course, this amusement disappeared when Snake thought briefly that Daisuke could be seen as a coyote-sympathizer and perhaps even targeted for that. He didn’t feel he could stop this other canine, but he thought he’d probably have to keep tabs on him. To make sure he wouldn’t wander off and get himself killed.

The coyote’s olive-green eyes surveyed a particular skull—one that was definitely lupine, as he could see the chipped canine fangs still fastened to it—as Daisuke wondered about the symbolism of them. He spoke up, “No, I wouldn’t say aggression.” He frowned. “The coyotes of Inferni do not go out of their way to be aggressive towards wolves, from what I know—only when trespassing comes into play. Which seems to happen a lot. So they seem to be more symbols for… protectiveness more than anything.” In this wolf-ruled world near Halifax, the coyotes had to defend everything they could scrounge from their bigger cousins.

After this, their search for skulls officially began. Daisuke asked if Snake knew about where any recent kills made by Inferni would be, but he only got a frown and a shake of the head from the bandanna-wearing boy. “No, I don’t know much about that—I’m still pretty new here.” He followed Daisuke now as they wandered towards the more wooded areas of southwestern Inferni, looking for branches to serve as walking sticks or stakes. The wolf found one his size and good enough for his weight while Snake continued searching. After a moment of searching he grunted, reaching down and lifting a stick that was short enough for his coyote stature, and that had a fork near the top. It was broad enough to support some weight, which was good enough for him, and it had not been rotted by the recent downpours. “Finding the skulls will be the hard part now.” He pondered briefly, the moisture about him redolent of the recent rains. “Maybe we should try the lower areas. It’s been flooding in some places—perhaps some creatures got stuck and drowned.” It was a pretty morbid thought, searching for dead bodies to scavenge skulls from. But these were Luperci, not humans.


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