The Truth about Justice
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OOC: Table © Jacoby;meh. short.
I'm staring at a broken door
There's nothing left here anymore

Daisuke sat in the water. His staff was sitting on the bank, and his eyes on the boy's mother, making sure she would be clean before she needed to sleep in his den. The last thing he wanted was to attract animals to his den because of the blood. He was not into having to fight a bear to protect the boy and woman, but he would if he had to. He had a staff, and he could shift into Secui if it got to the point where he'd need the heaviness, and the boost in strength. But either way, he would not be excited to fight a bear. He could loose and arm or a leg over that one, and he needed those limbs still. Daisuke shook the thought of having a bear come in and attack him in the dead of night. He was still stroking her, and listening behind him for the splashes of the water behind him, to verify that the boy had listened to him. But the small amount of peace was broken when his mother had woken up completely, and pulled away from Daisuke. Her fangs curled at him in a snarl. Daisuke pulled his audits back, and gave the female a submissive smile. His head lowered below her own, even though he was in his optime form. His eyes held a submissive look in them, friendly as well. Who are you? Where is my son? she asked, demanding where her son was. Daisuke's head lifted and turned to look behind him. He saw the boy, up the creek a bit, drinking out of the creek.

Daisuke took his staff that had been on the ridge next to him, and then he pointed with the skull to her boy. He also moved out of her way so she wouldn't have to move to try and see the boy. The boy is over there M'lady. He's in the more shallow part of the creek so he can drink without falling in and drowning, m'lady. he spoke, as politely as he could to the female, not wanting to make her angry again. As far as who I am... My name is Daisuke Ghanjai-Urahazu. I got Caillen's name, but not yours, would you like to tell me now, m'lady? he asked, his eyes looking into her emerald ones by now, though his facials still twisted into a friendly and submissive smile. His wet tail wagged gently in the water, making it swish back and forth before he looked to the den for a second. He wanted to make sure he saw no other walk into there and try and claim it, because any type of violence on the mind of this stressed boy would end up being a fight to the death.


My room is cold, it's making me insane
I've been waitin' here so long.


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