Runaway nonsense
Ty simply smiled and nodded to the white noble's response, acting more and more distant as he searched for the hole that the little piglet got out of. Eventually Ty grinned as he found the little exit, one of the fence posts had rotted slightly, allowing the lowest horizontal fence rail to drop enough for the little pig to squeeze through. He observed the damage as Pendzez asked the question, to which the Warrior Wolf replied "Well, not much, even less than you Pendzez, at least you are having some sort of plan for the future." as he began looking for a way to prop up the fence railing. "I haven't really done much except for patrol, hunt, train, and sleep." He knelt down and began to search for some kind of way to at least fill the hole for now and prop up the fence rail. "Things are relaxing nowadays, but pretty uneventful, perhaps an adventure of some sort is close at hand huh?" He then laughed again as he looked back to make sure the piglet hadn't tried to escape again.

Eventually, Ty funda rahter slender, yet thickrock, thick enough to fill in the rotter spot where the railing had fallen out. He lifted the rail and placed the nearby rock into the rotted gap, filling the empty space quite nicely. While it would not hold forever, it would be a temporary solution to the problem, allowing Ty to bring his full attention back to Pendzez.
"Speaking of adventures...has infernis made any advances? You know...after xeris' little...intrusion..."

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