my lullaby, hung out to dry


Anu could only wait for the words to come. She understood. Moments such as this could either lock a voice away, or unleash words and thoughts and feelings like a tidal wave. Blue eyes looked at the unshifted wolfess, her hand a constant presence on her shoulder. The ocean fall beyond the world that was theirs, crashing as the door and in the Dreamer’s ears a dull and fading sound. She focused on Savina, and felt the pain that radiated from the wolfess. For the moment she was no longer her Commander, or the one that stood above her. She was her friend, and Anu felt a deep love for the female and needed to know what it was that pained her. For it pained her too, before she could even understand it.

When her voice came, Anu heard nothing else. And the words that followed shocked Anu so much that it played with her features. What? She eyes and face asked. Yet she would not question Savina. The scene played in her mind, and Anu pushed it far from her thoughts. How such a thing happened was not a mystery. Such things happened to those that were far more stable then her brother and their fallen Commander, it was not uncommon. But, that does not mean that it should hurt any less. Anu kept quiet, trying to center the confusion and anger that raged inside. The incident was still fresh, no matter how many wanted to forgive and forget. They hoped to ignore it. Anu would not. The two wolfesses had been there, seen the damage and even Anu had seen the woman after the drugs. Anu knew that she likely not coming back, and she knew that she was pregnant.

“I had no idea, that it was your brother.” It was all that would come. Naniko had not told her who the father was, and for good reason. Was this one more thing that she could have done to Savina, to the pack that she had created? She briefly though of what she had done, or could have to make or persuade the alabaster wolfess to come back. But she didn’t know what else to do. It was beyond her control, it was beyond either of them. They were only victims to their lost leader’s decisions.


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