The Truth about Justice
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OOC: Table © Jacoby;
I'm staring at a broken door
There's nothing left here anymore

Pass it here, kid. I shall walk. she had spoken to him, and he obeyed, handing over his beloved staff to her. He would try and find her another one as soon as he could. Just so he would not have to physically give her his staff that he made with Snake. The stick seemed like it was nothing but a hermit's tool, but in all reality, it was one of those things that he held close to his heart. It was because it would remind him of the adventures he had with Snake. And Snake had been special because he had spared his life, as well as the fact that the boy held the necklace that Daisuke had made. That's why the boy was special, and that's why his staff was special. If it broke, then he probably would be sad, but he'd also go out and find himself another one and just move the skull over and such. But none the less, he passed her the staff and nodded his head to her. Once her hand had firmly gripped it, he totally let go of it. He watched as she walked painfully up out of the water, and starting towards the den that was only about 20 or so feet away from the spot they were at. Alright, Mama? Caillen spoke to her, and Daisuke looked from the child to the mother to see if she would verify the boy's concerns. That was, until the boy had run away and towards the den in a hurried bolt. She didn't even have the time to answer the boy. He was exactly the same way, but about 10 feet, he would look back and tell the person they had never answered him.

I am sorry, kid. He does not mean to be rude... We just haven't eaten, well, for a while. she spoke to him. Daisuke dismissed the comment with a raise of his hand. He and I are alike. I used to do the same. Before I had to take responsibility for myself. he spoke, only realizing that he was only slightly growing up on himself. He didn't let the thought take over now, but it was most likely going to bother him once he made sure these two fell asleep. He probably wouldn't get much sleep. It didn't matter, he'd done all nighters before. He wasn't so sure about it being all night just keeping guard and protecting the two. He might just fall asleep because of boredom, but then again, he did have a lot to think about. The thought was stored in a bucket and put upside down for later. He'd lift the bucket probably unexpectedly, most likely forgetting that's what he put under there, and so, when he went in to clean up, he'd see an upside down bucket in the middle of the halls of his mind.

Once they had made it to the den, Daisuke quickly walked in, and went towards the back of the cave, keeping his eyes and ears on watch for any animals that might have snuck into here even when there was a clear indication of it being taken. He let out a warning growl before he quickly surveyed the area. The warning growl was not directed to the mother and son, no, not at all. It was for unwelcome visitors such as weasels and raccoons. Daisuke then took down the rabbits that he had hung from the highest point he could reach. There were four of them in all, because he had been trying to save them for the next day for just himself, but this was a better cause. He smiled lightly to the two, and walked back up to them. Welcome to my temporary den. I have different ones all over the place, so it's been a week or two since I've been able to actually clean up here. he admitted, kind of shamefully, but not over-dramatic about it. I just favor my sand burrows a little bit better than the caves. So I spend more of my time on the beaches around here. he spoke, feeling like he needed to justify why he wasn't at this den more than the sand burrows that he had dug up all the time. He then found his way to a slanted boulder that seemed to fit Daisuke almost perfectly when he sat down. He held the rabbit in his hand and looked to Caillen. Come grab one buddy. M'lady. he spoke, inviting them into the cave.


My room is cold, it's making me insane
I've been waitin' here so long.


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