The Truth about Justice
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OOC// Hmmm... How did you want this thread to end, or proceed? :0

She felt hollow, like the words that had poured out had somehow taken a chunk of her with them. But the weight upon her shoulders was e'er so slightly lessoned, and the look of sorrow reflected in Daisuke's gaze let her know she was not truly alone. There were many types of hardship in the world, Alaine knew; She and the golden boy were but two examples.

" Your story is sad. But you can't always keep him in the dark. He's going to grow before your eyes, and he's going to become more curious, more intelligent and he's going to form his own opinions on what happens from here on out..."

Her fisted hands flattened out, palms running up and down the smooth fur of her legs, anything to keep them busy. He spoke the truth, but it was not a truth she wanted to hear. No mother ever wanted to know that at some stage, they would have to let their baby go. Her emerald eyes drifted over to Caillen, still snoring sweetly in his corner, tummy bulging with the feast he'd devoured.

" To consider yourself selfish is something that I would not. You are only concerned for his well fair, but sometimes...You just can't control what happens. I guess we all learn that at some point in our life. Change never comes easy though..."

She felt his ocean eyes upon her, but did not return their gaze, was afraid of the simple knowledge she might find there. For all his youth, that sun-pelted boy seemed a far wiser creature than her. The staff, leaning on a rock beside her, was taken up in his hands and toyed with, as if the endless gaping holes of the deer skull's eyes were soothing to Daisuke. Humbled by his words, her large ears dropped to each side, unruly auburn curls bobbing merrily to frame her face as it lowered.

" M'lady. You need some rest. I'll watch over your son and the cave while you slumber. I'll protect you and Caillen."

She nodded slowly, as if in a daze, " Yes. Yes, I am tired... Very tired," The she-wolf rose unsteadily, her legs still tender, and limped to where Caillen slept before scooping him up into her arms. The whelp hiccuped, but did not stir from his slumber. At the back of the den she lay down and curled about the pup. Glittering emerald eyes could still be seen in the darkness, and were pinned upon Daisuke's silhouette. There was a long stretch of silence, and just when it seemed that she must be asleep, Alaine's soft voice poured forth.

" Promise me something, Daisuke of the ocean. My son will come back here one day, when I cannot guide him any longer. Promise me that you will teach him your wisdom, help him, should he find you again." It was a strange request, but her voice was deadly serious, those emerald eyes glazed with weariness still watching for the young man.


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