it's off to work we go

Firefly had set off towards a dense grove of pinetrees, their sweet scent sharp and inviting, but she didn't get far before another scent invaded her free time. She flicked her ears back and growled lightly to herself as she turned and gazed back the way she'd come. She twitched her tail and thought about abandoning the thought of chasing after ghosts but curiosity got the best of her and with a mutter under her breath she set out to apprehend this creature who was invading her alone time.

The silver and gold wolf soon found herself standing near the mine once more, still in the cover of the pines as she spotted the stranger. His scent told her that he belonged to no pack but even better his manner told her he was uneasy with something. She frowned to herself and wondered what in the world had got the boy so worked up until she realized he was scanning the area for something or someone. She smirked, hoping that she was what was causing him such grief as she eased out from under the cover of the pines and strolled towards him casually.

"So stranger, why so twitchy.." She didn't even stop to think if perhaps the male was dangerous, that didn't bother her too much. It was the stupid ones that caused her more problems. Her plush tail swished back and forth as she eyed the male with those cold emerald orbs before standing a few paces away to see if he would go coursing like a rabbit over the lands. She so hoped he didn't, she didn't feeling like chasing her prey.


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