Bad Habit
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Thanks! I miss him tons, silly college. :c 500+ words.

####Though he was completely capable of moving silently, undected by those not trained in the art of finding those hidden, he was so engrossed in the sounds and smells of the ocean that he had not been moving in his natural gait. It was strange to know that he could be heard, though he had been trying often to make noise when moving about the pack's territory. In his opinion, it seemed as though his pack might find it suspicious that he moved so quietly and with so much purpose. Rarely did he ever give up all of his nature to move in a way most did, able to be heard and noticed before they could be seen. Cour des Miracles and its King did not seem like they would persecute him for anything he had done in the past, but he tried so desperately to fit in and he did not want them to know of his past. He was not ready to share that story just yet, as much as it plagued him still to keep it a secret, especially from Ayita.

####The voice of the darker male surprised him a bit, though he hid this well, disappointed in himself for not noticing the stranger laying in the sand. This was not something he found normal, or at all acceptable; he was never surprised by another's presence. It was not something he was capable of feeling. His intense training had made him as aware as was possible of those around him, and he was severely unhappy with the way he had not noticed the darker one, though he hid this well, keeping his face in a simple expression. Lifting his head, he studied the wolf for a moment, contemplating the words he had spoken. The suggestion was absurd. He supposed it could have looked like he was eating the sand, but he had not been, and the idea was ludicrous. Evidently, not everyone thought in the same way he did, because he would not have considered initiating a conversation with an accusation (however mild) that he did not know was true as a fact.

####"I was not eating it," he countered, his tone a bit amused and annoyed at the same time, the emotions contradicting one another. "I was merely taking in the sights and smells, as well as the sounds. I have not been this close to the ocean before." Vigilante approached the darker wolf, closing in some of the distance between them, a yard or two remaining it seemed. Holding a conversation over such a distance as they had seemed to be prior to his moving. "Do you make it a habit to lay near oceans and speak to passersby?" he inquired, curiousity tinging his voice. It was a bizarre idea to him, but he was not as social as some of those that he had met in the area. Generally, he was social with those that came to him, because rarely did he seek others out of initiate long conversations.


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