Runaway nonsense
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Pendzez was being serious. Ty really needed to leave the area, now. Ty seemed to be only attached to Phoenix Valley, he was missing out in an adventure. Apart from when he was in the mercenaries, what was Ty missing out here in Souls? Did he even want a love life, even tough he was a free spirit? "I'll make sure you will. Just go out and come back when ever. You ain't gonna gain a life here in the Valley. Even the spirits like having fun."

Ty only gave a short answer to Pendzez answer to his question about the Inferni's. After what happened, vowed himself that he would protect her, that no one else can touch her. Even monster should know of the word mercy.

Pendzez's ears perked up as he heard a barking sound. What was that? The white male looked around to find a little red fox, that Ty seem to have recognized. The fox wasn't familiar to Pendzez, however, the white male believes he saw it from time to time. A wolf approached as the fox went to go to the wolf. Must have been hers. "Hello.


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