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The lack of a responding howl had caused Soran to worry slightly, she wondered if it had been a stupid idea to even come here, Deuce may not want to see her after she had left yet again without warning. Besides she was just setting herself up for yet more heartache, when she was truly honest with herself she knew that she was still in love with the pale lady, despite knowing that she had a new mate, one whom she must love deeply, for that was her pale angel's nature. A nervous feeling began to rise in the ebony fae's chest as she leant against the tree, knowing with each second that passed that she was being foolish just by being here, Deuce wouldn't want to see her, and most certainly didn't love her anymore. And yet there was still that ache when she thought of the pale lady late at night, that need just to see her, to be around her, to be able to breath in her soft scent and to know that she was hers. But that was a fanciful dream, never to be a reality. Nerves caused Soran to pick at her sharp nails, cleaning them simply for the want for something to do while she waited, all the while wondering whether or not she should leave.

Then, after what seemed an eternity, though it had only been a few moments in reality, behind her a soft voice spoke. The dark lady's heart jumped erratically as the soft tones were caught by her ears, just hearing Deuce say her name was bliss, exquisite agony in knowing that she loved this lady and couldn't have her. She turned slowly, a smile catching her lips as her eyes fell upon the pale lady.
"Deuce, it's good to see you again." Soran said weakly, her smile more nervous now that she was talking to the lady. "How have you been?" She managed to add, after a moment's awkward pause.


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