touch me with poisoned finger tips
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Big GrinD. 338 words.

Tokyo's view on aesthetics was pure and simple: looking as beautiful as possible was the most important goal out of anything. Thus, clothing had a hugely functional purpose. Any other needs - food, warmth, convenience - were secondary. Clothing didn't add too much to her warmth, and yeah, it was sometimes annoying (and especially hard to keep clean when wandering about in a forest or shifting in and out of luperci form), it was okay. The point of it was the definition it gave to her curves, the bright colors or elegant patterns that complimented her own natural hues. Today, she had dressed like this because she wanted to be noticed, and she was happy to find that it did not take long for that to happen.

Her name was spoken, and her mind and nose together identified the speaker rapidly. Ahh, Haku. Really, she couldn't have asked for a better wolf to run into, as far as appreciating how fine she looked this morning. Tokyo turned around after carefully painting her face into a charming, demure smile. "Oh, why, thank you, Sir!" Every inch the submissive, adoring subordinate. "It's very nice to see you today." She thought about asking him what brought him around her den, but he was a leader, he was supposed to circle the territory and stuff like that, right? It was in the job description. And he was a scout, too, the head one if Tokyo remembered correctly. Hopefully he wasn't coming to check up on whether she was performing her co-rank duties, but somehow she really really doubted that.

As expected, she veritably pranced over towards him. This encounter would certainly improve her day; every time she'd ran into her most favorite favorite leader she'd ended up quite happy for a couple days afterward. The effect of compliments and flattery on her mood was almost laughably severe. A few more suggestive words on his part would soothe so much of the pain of her missing daughter, which, honestly, said a lot about her.

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