Following The White Rabbit.
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Quite unlike many Luperci, Snake had actually be taught extensively in fighting in his Optime form. Canines were very taken with their natural weapons—teeth, claws, and sheer brawn—and were therefore usually drawn to their Lupus or Secui forms. But Patriot (and Snake’s mother, as she learned from New Haven’s Boss as well) had ‘rediscovered’ a form of fighting that humans themselves had engineered. They fought using their fists, arms, knees, legs to find the vulnerable weaknesses of the muscles and nerves. Sometimes it was even more effective than simply tearing at an opponent—especially if you weren’t exactly in the mood for murder.

Regardless, they soon stood over the corpses of the two deer, and Daisuke immediately took claim to the mother doe. Snake watched as the wolf shifted into his Secui form—the way that he kept within it just long enough, and seemed somewhat awkward in his own skin, made the coyote feel as though he wasn’t as familiar with that particular form—and literally chewed the head off of the doe. It didn’t bother him in the least, but it definitely made him notice Daisuke’s own approach: straight-forward and blunt. Hey, if it worked for him. But Snake, while emotionally flat, was a little more subtle.

He walked around the sinkhole until he was near the side where the fawn had gotten stuck. It’s pathetic head was almost the only part of its body not submersed, minus its neck and part of a shoulder. His face completely stoic, Snake reached behind his back to where his knife was kept—a knife that he had actually been given by his mother. He took the young deer’s head by its ears and cut cleanly through its neck, severing it much the same way as Daisuke had, but at least he didn’t have the taste of sour blood in his mouth. Without glancing at the golden wolf, who set to a similar task, the coyote began to extract the skull from the remainder of the head with the bloody knife, his eyes suddenly focused on a task at hand. He didn’t speak further—it was so often in life to which conversation just seemed to be maunder, and nothing else.


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