touch me with poisoned finger tips
300+ pped them holding hands!

Her smile was dazzling. Unfortunately it was not an easy task to wrap Haku Soul around one’s fingertip. Once upon a time maybe, but not anymore. The beta smiled back at her, imagining how her smile would rot and twist into an expression of terror if she had known the whispering words inside his head. She said it was nice to see him today. Although Haku was not brilliant at reading other people with masks, he knew how to detect the tacky and false. He wondered how well she was playing such games. He had already determined that she too had her own game where she attempted to trick with people’s minds. She was sweet, beautiful and oh so lovely. It was a façade though, was it not? Princess Chance had left Dahlia de Mai, but Tokyo Chance was still the most brilliant sunshine.

It would almost be sad to ruin this lovely relationship between them, but some things were necessary. Haku was many things, but no one knew him as a true liar. He had lied flat out when he had ruined Svara, but that was the first time. That first lie had never truly been revealed, so the words he spoke could only be taken as true. This was why he would be able to go through with this. Well, he did not yet know how willing she would be and how devoted her work would become, but by the end of this lovely day he would know exactly where he had her. His lips were still curved upwards in a gentle smile, and his eyes never betrayed him by revealing the evil that filled his soul up with pitch black.

With a creamy hand the man’s fingers reached out for hers, determined to not spend too much time bullshitting before getting this over with. He would enjoy it, no doubt, but this would be very risky. He had already spent hours and hours making sure that there were no other Dahlia members in this part of the lands. The reason why he had not moved to do this to her sooner was only because the circumstances had not been ideal. Least possible risk. This would be perfect. ”What a lovely dress, Tokyo.” the male said, apparently admiring the silly human clothing. With a light pull of his hand he drew her closer, his smile very slowly decreasing as his facial expression turned more serious. ”I believe something will happen very soon.” The man said, allowing the woman to ponder what the hell that meant. ”I need people I can trust.” He breathed shortly thereafter. ”Can I trust you, Tokyo? Can I truly trust you to be loyal to me?”


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