Like an apple on a tree, hiding behind the leaves

haHA! ... i love them.

Wondering what angels had to do with their world Anu found that she let the shocked feeling reach her face as Coli spoke. The words came form with haste and Anu only stood in silence. Her breath slowed, as her mind replayed the words again and again. Angels rescued souls; Anu understood that. How had she not thought of this? Still it came to her as a shock, to think that Colibri had almost been lost and Anu had known nothing of it. And there was beast out there that was responsible to saving her. A beast that she may never meet, may never be able to thank. The Dreamer watched the emotions play on her face, the guilt, the pain of remembrance. Nothing came that explained how such a thing had happened. Was there someone that had tried to kill her? Was she still in pain? The questions riddled her mind and Anu fought to stay composed.

The emotions welled. A tide that rose inside. Remaining silent was all that kept it from flooding her eyes, her words and spilling out into the world. She didn’t understand, not completely. Her voice came again, eyes still closed and not wishing to see her face. Anu knew not how to take it. It was overwhelming, uncontrollable and unexpected. The tide rose. “I don’t understand.” Anu admitted. She wished she did, fully and without question. What she did know was that Colibri stood before her, at the hand of an angel and from a will that her own name birthed. She mattered that much? The thought slipped its way in her mind and Anu lingered on it for a mere second before shooing it away. Coli had almost died, her will to live lost and it was her face that had brought to back to life.

The tide subsided. The shock no longer lingering on her features. Anu had clung to a woman once, on the edge of the world and wishing that if one was to die the other would die as well. It was life that she needed now, it was life that Anu felt in the younger female, and it was what she felt when they touched. Anu would never be angry, not with the chocolate fey. She wondered if Colibri would ever trust that she would only love and never hurt her. Her voice was different as she spoke again, “Living is harder.” Anu looked at the Dahlian’s face. No longer could she remain lost to her touch, taking her hand and touching the side of her face. She moved slowly, touching Coli’s chin in search of her gaze. Never go She thought as she finally caught the blue orbs that held everything she searched for. In the silence Anu affirmed her love for the woman, and the fear that was struck at the thought of her alone, dieing.

Anu took a breath, eyes searching for the answer to a question yet asked. She tried to speak, her lips parted slightly and yet her voice would not come. Again, she tried and finally, softly, she questioned. “Did you want to die?” The thought of it almost brought Anu to tears. Her hand did not fall, and she wished to touch more of her. To feel her form would know that she was not lost, beneath an angel’s gaze and breathless. The comfort of her warmth would tell of her beating heart, speak of the will to live.



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