touch me with poisoned finger tips
Short! D:

His smile seemed warm and content when her answer sounded in the crisp autumn air. He had not expected her answer to be anything less. The question was if he could trust her words. It was not hard to recognize her personality traits and see that she was an egocentric girl with her head above the clouds. Despite those personality traits that in theory should make him despise her, he was intrigued. She had killed her own children without a remorse it seemed. He wanted to dig deep into her and find that black taint. He made absolutely sure that there was no way to detect his dark intentions when his gaze increased in intensity. ”Would you do anything I ask for then, beautiful Tokyo?” his words whispered then, as if this was the biggest and most secret question in the world. Of course she would not interpret this question in a bad way, as he had not yet allowed her to detect what was to come. For all she knew this could mean nothing more than taking an extra tour around Dahlia a random day doing her job as a scout.


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