Of rabbits, snowflakes, and Luperci

Dierdre waited quietly for the deer to come her way. She was an experienced hunter, and was prepared for whatever the deer decided to do. She was a fairly big wolf, and if it did come right at her she would be fine with throwing the bow down and taking it down with just her claws and teeth. But she did hope that it didn't come to that.

The cinnamon-flecked wolf watched the deer intently. When it started running, with wide eyes, she moved a bit out of the way so that it would pass her by. Just as it came into range she knocked her arrow and pulled the string taut, releasing the arrow a moment later. It went into the deer, slowing it, and Dierdre quickly put another arrow to the string, pulling that back as well. This arrow went through the deer's head, cracking through the skull and dropping the animal immediately.

"Woo!! Look!" She came out into the clearing, motioning for her friend. "And we didn't even have to do anything, barely!"


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