touch me with poisoned finger tips
Big Grin I don't mind!

By saying those words she had chosen her fate. This had gone wonderfully well and he would enjoy this, breaking her down and gain the upper hand. He already had it, she just did not know it yet. There was only one way to fully test if she was fully under his control and that was doing what he was about to do now. He could hardly wait to see her facial expression falter and shatter from the weight of realization. ”Very good. I’m glad you’re so honest.” he purred back as his grip around her wrist tightened and he pulled her close to him. His smile now melted into something not entirely pleasant; something dark and twisted. His free hand found her back and pushed her further into his grasp. Would she still do anything for him? A low rumble sounded in the depths of the Lilium’s throat. It was a shame though; it was such a pretty outfit she was wearing.


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