Burn it to the Ground

-happysigh- this is better! ... you made that?? ... & I've been making *you* tables??? WHAT!?

Anu always needed to wonder what it was that the humans had created. She could explore the city for hours, if she ever chose to go there, and find nothing she could name. This place was different then the remains of the city and it was hard to forget, even for Anu, what sort of place this was. In the dawn’s light there was a peace resting over the cemetery, and it felt for a moment as if there was nothing frightening about this place. In a life so long ago Anu had been scarred in a similar place, the line trailing along her hip and leg would never allow her to stand in the place of the buried and feel safe and at ease. Yet, among the Dahlian that smelt so much of her love Anu felt a small comfort.

Her ears turned to meet the call, a voice lower then a female’s and yet still held the high tone of youth. She turned, meeting the boy that spoke to her. He was a fiery version of his father, though a lineage Anu knew not of. Yet, he reminded her of the fragile soul she sought. The words he spoke were not a threat, but a warning that she surly should heed. Though Anu was not afraid. She felt as if she had faced the monster this place harbored, a small healing cut below her eye was all the spoke of it, almost hidden by her sliver fur.

“Hello.” She returned with a calm tone. Smile grew across her maw, the younger male was slowly becoming something interesting to the woman. The air he held, the look of him. It spoke of a family she was slowly coming to know.
“A risk worth taking.” She spoke, still with a soft cushion that veiled the courage that she felt. Love was worth any risk, yet she figured he knew nothing of love.


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