golden suns that never set
Firefly felt the lump in her throat grow bigger as her airways seemed to restrict. She had never attempted to return to Dahlia de mai with very good reason. Her live would be forfeited if she was caught and though she wasn't allowed near her children she didn't want them to be motherless, though she thought that if perhaps it did end that way perhaps it would be best if Haku was the one to end her life, giving the boys reason to hate him too. She pushed the thoughts from her mind as she sighed, realizing that Conor probably had no knowledge of why she'd never returned and the fact that she wasn't ever allowed to.

When his soft whisper reached her ears she tried to swallow but never succeeded, her jaw quivering as she tried to close her eyes to keep the emotions at bay. She smiled softly after the overwhelming feelings passed as she advanced. "Of course it's me. Do you think I could ever forget you Conor." She had slept many restless nights thinking of her two lost sons and wondering what kind of men they would grow up to be. There they were obviously grown now and still she knew nothing of them. It was her fault she knew but she'd never thought that her formal pack would be so cruel to take her children from her... but she'd underestimated the frosty queen.

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