Firefly in her own way had grown apart from the abuse she'd suffered in Inferni but the restless nights still lingered and the twisted darkness that pulled at her mind was far worse than the beast that she herself was. She had killed with no reason or purpose but to satisfy a monster and yet having her world ripped apart, the protection and sanction she knew taken from her had done far worse than the nature of the beast could ever. Her emerald eyes narrowed as she hissed, "Does Inferni still keep rapists within the clan.. or do coyotes believe it to just be justice when a wolf is defiled by the likes of your kind." Her words were bitter and hatefilled as she turned her gaze away, too sore was it to think on the past and already she wished she'd left it there.

Yet on she had went, telling him about the loss of her rank and puppies to the pack she'd once devoted her love and loyalty too. She hadn't expected any humane reaction from the male but when he spoke she couldn't help but turn back to him, the anger a smoldering fire behind her eyes as she pushed on. "Because my mate slept around and I punished him and the pack for allowing it, for allowing his bastard child and bedwarmer into the pack and allowing me to be made a fool." She lowered her gaze as she continued. "It was immature in it's own ways but no one seemed to care about my own pain and suffering so I let them feel it. I took the puppies to another pack and asked a member to watch them. He was suppose to take them to my brother DaVinci who was one of the pack leaders but he never did and I assumed when I'd visited that my sibling knew.. but I was wrong." She sighed and was quiet a moment before she answered the last bit of his question. "No, I never got them back.. not after one of my packmates found them and revealed everything to Haku and Cercelee. Now she raises my children and holds my rank in the pack. They keep my boys within the packlands and if I step foot in their lands my penalty is death if caught." Her voice was bitter as she gazed off into the park beyond them, not even knowing why she was spilling her story to this man she's once tried to kill.

Firefly's ears flicked back as she quietly pondered the stupid mistakes she'd made over time. She didn't even think much of the past or of the things she'd sacrificed and lost but today they all seemed to tumble forth. Her voice was soft as she asked. "Do you have children Anselm.." It had taken a while for her to come up with the male of the man that had captured her in the war but when it was needed it finally arrived.

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