Burn it to the Ground


It all goes, all goes by

     Puzzlement truly took him now. Of course he knew Colibri Haki. She was his half sibling and completely pure at heart despite being an exact copy of Haku in appearance. Well, not exact being female and all, but it was almost scary how similar those two were. It was incredible considering how strikingly different their personalities were. Conor loved her older half-sibling. She was a lovely individual with a big heart. His problem now was that he did not understand. This would be the first time Conor touched the subject of homosexuality. He could not make sense of what the woman said, so obviously he had misheard or she had misspoken.

”Of course I know Colibri; she is my sister..” the young boy started, leaving the sentence hanging in the air. ”What do you mean: she’s worth it?” he decided to ask, conscious of her open and dreamy body language. Her smile spoke of happiness. He wished he could take a peak into her heart and share that cheerfulness she possessed.



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