[j]inx me something c r a z y..;
That's always the fun stuff. X3

Jasper had wondered, for a very short moment, if the older female was ill. The look that came about her after he'd spoken made him wonder if she was in pain. Perhaps something had happened just before her arrival and it was only now kicking in? He'd only just been thinking about how polite she seemed to be. How very..not troubled, at least when compared to everyone else he knew. Ahren, the man with a troubled past and mind. Laruku, the one who didn't quite know himself, though Jasper was hardly aware of that. And Jasper, the lonely child with only a ghost as a friend. A fine pack they made, really.

Ears slid back against his skull, a look of concern taking him over as he shuffled forward a few nervous steps. She didn't look well and Jasper certainly wasn't the one that you wanted to be around if you were ill. If it came to it, at the very least, he knew that calling Naniko would be the thing to do. She seemed smart in the area, at least when it came to helping without chemicals. Jasper was more the alchemist type, mixing and testing, and he didn't often bring along that stuff. He was about to speak, to ask her if she needed some aid, but it was that moment that she began to speak once more. The blonde boy quieted, tipping his ears forward to listen.

Try as she might, he still wasn't convinced that she was well. Her voice was funny, her words slow and her breathing erratic. What would he do if she just stopped breathing all of a sudden? Anxiety had long since kicked in, always worrying for the worst, expecting it, but the moment that her eyes met his, he was lost. "Ahren de le Poer is my father." It echoed through his head, bouncing off each side of his skull only so that he had to hear it over and over. "He's...my father..." It came out slow, in almost a whining sort of tone.

Selfish as it may have seemed, the first thing that came to mind was that he now had another sibling to compete with. Another sibling to hate him. Even worse, she was female, and he's always thought that his father had taken better to his daughters than he had his sons. "He lives here." It was the only other thing that the suddenly very confused boy could manage.


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