Is That Burning Hair?...
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Xeris grinned. "You always were the funny one, Damascus." She hadn't seen him in years. She had grown up with him. But something was...different. "You're a Luperci..." her voice trailed off. "So my father sent you away too..." She bit her lip. So her father was still ruling with his iron fist at the Retreat. One day, perhaps, she would return to her homeland, to show her father that Luperci were not all bad. But that was not a pleasant thought now.

He asked where they were. "This is Phoenix Valley," she replied. "I have...found a new family here." She smiled at the thought of them. Ty and Anya and Rendall...and Pendzez of course. But that much news might be a bit much for Damascus right now. Looking up at her old friend--something she never thought she'd have to do--and smiled at him. "I've missed you. It'ss been so long."

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