Is That Burning Hair?...
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I like your AIM name. :p If you could lengthen your posts a little too, that would be great.

Phoenix Valley's size had waned as of late -- it seemed DaVinci's departure would be the first of many to come, which was rather unfortunate. Jefferson was reminded of earlier months where the pack's numbers had dwindled so low that the cyclops feared the pack would have to disband due to its shortage of members. Luckily, however, they had a convenient influx of prospective joiners, a few of which were still faces he saw everyday. The Patriarch mentioned nothing to Geneva or the other many underlings, but he was secretly crossing his fingers that the sudden, unexpected influx of new faces would happen like it had conveniently done a few times before.

Nevertheless, Jefferson's neckfur bristled at the detection of a foreign scent as it always had. It was only natural; he was a pack leader. The pack had struggled with Inferni not long ago, and with the dwindling numbers they now had, the cyclops worried for his members' safety. Not only that, but he himself had a few blood-sharing creatures who'd sworn to eat his neck eventually. In addition, there was Geneva: his desire to protect her and keep her safe was greater now than ever.

As he came upon the stranger's scent, he picked up Xeris' as well and calmed when his single eye affixed upon them as he approached. It seemed he was interrupting something: the white-furred woman was bright-eyed with hints of nostalgia. In addition, the stranger he came upon appeared to be harmless. "Xeris," he greeted her plainly, then quickly turned his eye to the stranger and squared his shoulders and stance, single green eye glowing as it focused almost robotically on the boy. "...And you are? You have reason to be here?"


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