Blue skies are gonna clear up~
Andy seemed to have discerned quickly enough that Geneva held a high rank within her pack. She was not a boastful woman, and she wasn't overly proud, but she did move with a new confidence. She had grown since she had first arrived in Nova Scotia a year before, in ways that she could not have imagined. Being here had had a transformative effect on the gray wolfess, and those changes had ushered forth a woman with more courage and greater faith in herself and others.

Geneva appreciated the fact that the multi-colored female cut to the heart of the matter. She was being forth-coming and acted as though she had nothing to hide with her presence here. These were all good things, but they were not enough to help Geneva make the ultimate decision about whether or not to allow her admittance into the pack. This situation required further discourse and detail.

"Andy," she said, testing the quality of that name on her tongue, before she spoke again. "I appreciate your forthright attitude; however, we should learn a bit more about one another before our situation progresses." Geneva inhaled lightly, before speaking once more, this time giving Andy some information. "The pack that lies beyond this border is called Phoenix Valley. My name is Geneva, and I am the Savant, the sub-leader, of this pack."

Geneva took a seat herself, positioning herself directly across from Andy, so that they could look at each other easily. "Tell me about yourself, and why you want to live within a pack. Tell me what you want from Phoenix Valley, and how Phoenix Valley could benefit from having you." Her tone was gentle, a half-smile on her face as she spoke. However, her words indicated that she needed these answers.

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