Blue skies are gonna clear up~
Geneva appreciated Andy's honesty. She addressed each of her questions with nothing but the truth, or so the sub-leader felt. She did not appear to make an attempt to dress up her answers or elaborate creatively. She nodded in encouragement as the multi-colored wolfess began to speak slowly. It was obvious that she did give some consideration to her answers. Geneva knew it could be difficult to talk about oneself, but it was important for Geneva to get that information. She had to gauge whether or not Andy would be a good fit in pack life.

And so far, Geneva felt that everything was going well. Andy seemed to fall into her own little world of memory or thought. Geneva considered her as she looked off into space. In the space of a few seconds, Andy seemed to come back to the present. Geneva smiled thinly at her, allowing her to recover completely before she spoke again. "Thank you for your honesty," the Savant said.

She inhaled slightly before she continued. "It is okay that you are used to being on your own. Phoenix Valley is a good place to learn to be part of a whole." She was glad that Andy had mentioned some of attributes that spoke of her own character. "You are welcome to stay here, as a member of the pack. For now you will be given the rank of Loas, and you will have time to learn and to show skill in order to advance to a different rank, if that is what you would like to do."

Geneva looked over her shoulder, into the direction of her home, farther into the pack land. Her expression was soft, happy. She loved it here, and it was plain to see. It was what got her up at dawn each day, what fueled her efforts. "There are several cabins that you can inhabit, or you may take up residence in a den, if you would like. I live at the ranch with the Patriarch of this pack, Jefferson." Her relationship with Jefferson ran much deeper than simply co-leading a pack with him, although she had yet to tell anyone about it. But her voice betrayed something both delicate and strong, enduring and warm. "You may find either of us there, usually, if you need assistance. A word to the wise, though," she said, half a laugh in her voice now. "Jefferson can be a bit...cranky. Welcome to Phoenix Valley, I hope you will like it here."

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