all alone he turns to stone (J)

Moses was surprised by the speedy arrival of another at the border. The icy rain that lashed out at him was something that Moses had been sure would stop another from meeting him so soon, but it seemed that luck was in the Maned Wolf's favor on this gloomy March day. Moses listened as the other called out from a rather puny looking tree and feeling no desire to make this meeting a shouting match, the young adult stepped forward, closing the space in between the two.

At his offer for help, Moses nodded, raising a dark hand to wipe the water from his soft green eyes. "Yes," he said quietly before continuing, "My name is Moses, I was born in South America and have since traveled throughout the States and now up into Canada. I'd like some information on this pack and if I would perhaps be welcome here?" His words were quick and to the point, his Spanish accent soft and clear in his words.

Moses sized up the male opposite to him, a good looking fellow who was also in his Luperci form. It was the form that Moses had favored ever since he'd begun to shift at the tender age of seven months. He loved the feeling of control and the excess of abilities when he was able to walk on two feet. In fact, Moses thought that if he could was away the option of being a wolf at all, he would.

He decided that this man was a kind fellow, who wouldn't mind sharing his shelter--however weak it was--with Moses. Taking a few steps forward, Moses joined him beneath the empty limbs of the tree and found that though the rain still found him, the branches did manage to provide some form of protection. It was, at least, better than nothing.


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