Is That Burning Hair?...
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The stranger cowered under the cyclops' one-eyed gaze, though no particular power or suspicion were being subjected to the poor, grey-furred creature. As Damascus spoke, his tone and stature became rather pitiful and uncomfortable; this both alarmed and intrigued the Patriarch, curious why the male was so timid and anxious. There was nothing Jefferson could do about his intimidation factor as he was not doing anything more than looking at the poor fellow, but it seemed even that was enough to make the stranger cower in fear.

He couldn't exactly say Damascus reminded him of himself, but even briefly, Jefferson thought back to his unintentional collapse on Phoenix Borders. He'd been emaciated and starving, unable to walk any further when Deuce had sent him away for his duel-blooded heritage. Jefferson had not even asked for membership, asked for nothing -- but even though he'd obviously been close to death, he'd been offered no assistance in the least. Naturally, Iskata had been the one to pull him back when he tried to leave, and since then the cyclops had never dared depart from Phoenix Valley.

Green eye shifted slightly when Xeris began to speak, wholeheartedly sticking up for the withdrawn male who stood on their borders. "You were close, I assume," Jefferson said plainly, though taking her words in stride as he glanced back at Damascus. "Faults mean more space for learning. Not everyone can be perfect." The monster himself would know best. "You have some reason for leaving wherever you came from, don't you?"


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