she's got it out for me; LEADER.
[html]; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Just for future reference, if you have your character howl for myself or Sie, let us get a response in before powerplaying there wasn't one. Thanks.

    There was a noise outside, above the thunder, that led Gabriel to the opening of his cave. Someone was out, calling for himself or Kaena. Exactly what the hell someone was doing out in such weather was beyond him. It was slick, and dark, and he made his way out to the rocky outcropping just outside of his own home. There was an immediate drop, one that had constantly worried him when his children had been very young, but it provided protection from any sort of charge into his home.
    So, going out into the rain, Gabriel returned the call, directing the source towards him.


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