Burn it to the Ground


His confusion was obvious, written on his face as plainly as her love sickness was written on her silver toned features. He couldn’t register what she meant, but Anu figured that he might not. It wasn’t the sort of combination that many were used to, especially for a younger wolf who had yet to experience all that life offered. Anu thought to apologize, for the mix of words and for the lack of blatant honesty that she was so prone to. But then he would blame her, for when his sister left to live in the Dreaming lands. At that moment she couldn’t have something else standing between she and the younger woman. There was already so much time lost and obstacles to cross.

Her start struck gaze flickered to a dim light, and she smiled softly at the male.
“She is a beautiful soul.” Was all she would say, but her beauty was not all the Anu had come to claim. It was every entity that made up the chocolate wolfess, the sound of her sigh, her honey sweet scent, her sky sapphire eyes. Anu would risk traveling in this Haku littered lands in search for a single part of her. And yet she hoped to claim the prize as a whole.

Anu was surprised when he said yes. And her smile grew slightly. He was in love? Or was it a Nanny that the young boy found so important? By the sound of his tone Anu could not miss the truth. She took a step closer, confirming her connection with the male. They weren’t so different now, were they?
“Would you go any where for them?” She asked again. Not a her, not a him. Anu was not one to be specific, for her life was not so. It was painful when one assumed that she would fall for a he, when it was always the opposite.


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