Spirits with me.
(At this age she's been told shes a goddess princess so ya she's crazy and think that. and any time you have that up hun.)

Ayita looked at him he dared to tell her what to do. No one could do that she was the princess and a god. "Whoos am I? I'm lady Ayita Goddess of the tribe a few miles that way." She said expecting a change of attitude. Didn't all packs have gods? maybe this kid was one of them. A god she meant maybe he was that would be cool. "Now who are you?" She asked again.

"I don't have to ask. I was up in here first goofing off. see there more to it that way. Don't act like you own the place." She said with a tinge more attitude in her voice. Boy was this kid annoying. You couldn't claim things the at their age only the adults could they had strength ad power. But in her own right she had plenty of power.

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