Mommy's little girl

Night shivered as the rain continued to pelt down onto her black fur. Her peircing blue eyes scanned over the terrain, sharp and restless. Even at a young age she was harsh and cold to the scents around her. What had that thing been that had hurt her mother? The screams even now were deafening. Her little auds twitched on her small head and her large paws moved slowly as she tried to think through all the confusing things around her. The wind howling, the rains cold grasp, and her mothers pain.

It was the male voice that made her stop in her tracks her body frozen in fear and even an anger as she thought maybe the thing that had hurt her mother had come for her as well. Sharp blue orbs narrowed as a childs face became scrunched in anger and rage. The little girl turned to face the male that had yet to see her, his eyes were close to where she was, but not exactly. It would only be minutes before he located her position and did something.

Her little blue eyes were narrowed and her head lowered as a growl come her to small maw. She was young and full of fire, a blue rage of black fur and pinned ears. Her tiny tail was jerked up as a two month old body tried not to faulter under all the pressure pushing against it. The soul could sometimes be stronger then that of it's shell. It was Night's eyes that made her look so much like her real mother, as they narrowed and burned a deadly flame. Maybe not yellow, but blue the hottest color a flame could burn.


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