Following The White Rabbit.

Snake did prize the things that his mother gave to him when they left New Haven. He almost never took off his bandanna—not even while sleeping, because it made an excellent blindfold if the stars rendered it a bright night—and her knife had proved invaluable in plenty of times. Sure, he could use tooth and claw to aid him when he needed sharp implements, but it was much easier with the knife. And much cleaner. When Daisuke mentioned that he might want one, Snake replied, “You should try around the ruins of the human city. My mom found this knife in one of them.” She had actually found this military-style knife in the same building where her mate at the time, Patriot, had found three handguns. None of these were functional after the years, but the tyrant treasured them all the while. But that was a story for another time.

The golden wolf wandered over and took a look at his handiwork, the small etching on the surface of the skull. Somewhat embarrassed, the coyote scratched the back of his head. “’S nothing,” he muttered gruffly, any artistic aspect awkward to him. He did get a shred of amusement from the mental image of Daisuke peering at every skull-tipped stake on the borders of Inferni… Until he thought about the wolf being too close to the borders. Snake’s stomach knotted. He didn’t want Daisuke anywhere near here; it was dangerous. He had heard of what they did to trespassing wolves—and seen, too. The skulls, the first things he had seen in Inferni.

The Hastati recognized the time as well, and looked back towards home. As Daisuke asked what they were to do now, Snake frowned. “I think I need to start heading back. I’ve got some things I need to do before crashing tonight.” The first and foremost was food—he would probably have to shift to his wolf form to hunt for provender, which meant he would have to sleep in it tonight. Great. He hated sleeping in his canine forms. “You can—You can come again if you want, though. Just make sure you call for me from beyond the borders. Don’t come inside again.”

He would extend this tentative friendship to this odd wolf, but he didn’t want him coming into Inferni grounds again. It was too dangerous, and for both of them. Daisuke’s species gave him away, and Snake would not want to be branded someone who compromised the security of the coyote clan. He took the stick and skull in hand, with thoughts of finishing them and hunting tonight. He would put the skull up in the morning.

table credit goes to jacoby

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