all alone he turns to stone (J)

Raising a hand, he shielded his eyes, watching the dark lips of the stranger move in response to his own greeting. He lingered on his words, especially the accent that formed them, and instantly thoughts of what South America might be like, entered his head. After a moment’s pause, he let his hand fall away from his forehead – the minimal protection of keeping the rain from his eyes was barely noticeable to the fact that the falling water seemed to being weighing Pilot down. After this encounter, he hoped he would find no other along the borders, so that he could return to the warmth and protection of his den.

"Hello Moses", Pilot replied, watching as the stranger grew closer towards him. "My name is Pilot Haddon and this here, is Storm." Normally, he would have shown more excitement or pride in the pack, but as it was, the scenery was definitely not as cheery today. Perhaps the weather would clear over the next few days, and if he decided to stay, Moses would see the true splendor that Storm had to offer.

As the man moved under the tree’s protection which Pilot had sought out, he allowed a thin grin to appear across his lips. The prospect of a new member was actually lifting his mood a bit. He realized he should probably show a little more enthusiasm, even if the weather seemed to be placing everyone in the doldrums. "Of course we are always welcome to having new faces around. You said you were wondering about information, are there any questions you have for me before I ask you my own?"


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