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Vieira rubbed her hand over her eye and muzzle, trying to shake the tiredness that was taking her over. She hoped for a reward of rest when she returned, should she get everything Kaena asked for. While her mind went through this, she heard a bunch of gibberish behind her and she assumed it was just because she wasn't paying attention. She spun around to see the form of a wolf and she realized that it had been, after all, gibberish. She stared blankly at the Russian and when he spoke in something she could understand, despite his accent, she was thankful he would know what she said.

"What?" she questioned without saying hello. Normally, it was not in her nature to not say hello when spoken to but her mind was too focused on the gibberish he'd spoken before. His accent was not something she recognized and she could not piece it together. Her ears angled backward as she waited, hoping it would not take too much of her time. She didn't know when Kaena expected her back but she knew she should not waste time.


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