instant proof of insurance
[html]; background-position: bottom center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;"> Short. But it's okay, cause we're spreeing, right?! :x

When she turned to face him, Silas raised a brow. Yup, sure did look like it hurt. Though both his father and siblings were adorned with silver hoops threw their ears and bars above their eyes, Silas was clean of any piercings. As a child, he had been afraid of needles and had never had the opportunity to get one since. He fancied the idea of a hoop or two threw an ear, but he could just not fathom the look this girl had decided to sport. "I say, do eet hurt?" He pointed to his own nose, thinking she might take it as rude if he pointed at her. Plus, he had remained a good half a dozen meters back or so and maybe she wouldn't have realized what he meant had he not mimed it. "Mine seester have in ear, but eet much smaller." He dared to take a step or two closer, before pausing again. He looked down, having stepped on the rock he had been kicking around just moments ago. He grinned, giving it a small nudge with one paw. "Mine name Silas. Who are you?"


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