Mommy's little girl

Her young body didn't relinquish the position of strength. In this world right now she was weak because of her age, but her heart wouldn't let her accept this travisty. Not even the rain could keep her fur down as it stood along her spine. Her blue eyes were beyond bright as they burned into the husky male who now stood over her. Was he going to kill her? Her mother had never explained death to her, would it hurt?

Her instincts told her that it was something to fear, to shove her strong spirit and hide. Night would rather face this heart racing fear then start to run again. His question perplexed her, did it have an air of concern? The pup couldn't place what it was that confused her about his question, but to her it didn't seem like your killer would ask you that? Or would they? "Mama is gone!" Was all Night said. When she didn't know a word or how to say something she just didn't speak, rather she waited till she had gathered the words before she spoke.

Her teeth never stopped baring and her growl never eased in her throat. She was angry and scarred. Though she didn't want to think about it her mothers blood lingered on her pelt and the scent was making her sick. What had happened to her mama? Had the large form taken her away? Confusion on the young pups part was causing her legs to sway, how much longer before she finally just passed out?


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