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Vieira looked up towards Silas, and it set the boy at ease. Much better, he thought. He was always more relaxed when those around him were comfortable. She didn’t seem there quite yet, but they were taking small steps. "Alcohol!" Silas chimed, knowing just the place for that. He had gone into that store a few times now, leaving with both armfuls of bottles and the beautiful Russian flag he had stolen from its walls. The grin broadened. "I show you vhere you find alcohol. Come, come!" He waved a hand at her, turning to head in the opposite direction it seemed she may have been heading.

The Russian store was just across the street from where Silas and his family were living, and it just so happened they were not far from it. "Slave?" Silas asked over his shoulder, starting to walk away. He paused for a moment, turning to see if she would follow, before adding, "I do not know zhis vord. Sorry." He waved his hand at her again, beckoning, before turning to continue. "I don’t know many English vords. Zhey are very new to me."


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