Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

did you pp'ing my weather???? xD kidding

Blue eyes looked above. She could not count the hours she spent thinking about the being she worship. It was a mainly silent prayer, a constant acknowledgment of his presence and his gifts. It was rare for her speak of it aloud, but prayers of the heart were just as powerful and just as loud as those spoken or song, as she had heard from others. But he was lost beyond the clouds; drifting quickly at the pressure of the wind and taking it’s rain with it. Warmth was easily felt now, yet the haze would not release a blue sky. Anu simply sat. Her mind void of the thoughts that pressured her, as if the wind sent them adrift as well.

Sounds brought her from her pleasant thoughtlessness, and the woman looked to find its origin. A horse and rider approached, and the westbound winds brought the scent of her son towards her. The sight of the white accented creature forced her to take a second look, unsure if it was a figment of her wandering imagination. She stood upon the flat rock, eager to greet him. She stood in place, a smile wide across her face and the warmth of his presence enveloping her center. Never had she been unhappy to see her son, and such a thing would certainly not start this day. The woman waited until he approach, seated high upon the chestnut stead. The stallion was beautiful, unlike any free roaming mustang she had ever seen.

The two handsome creatures walked towards her, and her tail and expression showed her joy.
“Haven!” She exclaimed, energy alive in her form and voice. His visit was unexpected and pleasant surprise. Anu collected herself, trying to keep her calm façade.
“How is my Knight?” She asked, her tone less animated though she still grinned. He had always been her favorite.


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