Hear me when I say, when I say I believe

YES I DID! XD 300+

He knew that approaching as he was there was no sneaking up on her, Drogon's movements were hardly stealthy, but that wasn't his goal. Haven wanted her to see him and he wanted to see the look on her face. His mother hadn't seen him since he had truly become a knight and he found himself so eager for her approval that he felt like a small pup again. If he had been younger once again his whole body would have been vibrating from the anticipation, tail waving wildly from side to side. The boy had grown though, and he was more stoic than he once had been. If one looked closely enough, though, they would be able to see that same energy in his face; his jades sparkled with it. Haven saw her look around and find him and his companion and the smile on her face made his heart flutter. Their last few meetings had been filled with heavy conversations and it was good to feel light for once.

The mustang trotted right up beside the tawny female and as Haven pulled him to a stop he jumped off the horse and took his mother in his arms. "Hi mom," he greeted, emotion thick on his tongue. His hug was tight and he even managed to lift her off the ground a little, tail wagging quickly. With one last squeeze he set her down and pulled back, looking into her calming blue pools. "Your Knight is pretty good. What about his mother?" He hoped that she was doing well, he wanted nothing but happiness for her. If anything dared to plague her he would chase it away on his horse and with his sword. He would protect her, just as she had protected him.

Drogon softly neighed and nosed the unknown wolf, sniffing her curiously. Haven chuckled a little and patted the stallion's neck. "This is Drogon, and apparently he already likes you!" He had never seen the horse be so close with another he had never met before.


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