Is That Burning Hair?...
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Xeris watched nervously as Jefferson spoke with her old friend. She knew just how intimidating the Patriarch could be, yet at the same time also knew that he really did have good intentions at heart. Of all places for Damascus to end up, Phoenix Valley was probably the best for him. She listened to his account of how his family had been disturbed by his change. His family was her old family. At the Retreat everyone had become one single family, blood ties laid aside. The de Heritage family, they were called. That was her mother's idea, according to what the white wolfess had heard long ago. And Xeris was wanting to accept Damascus de Heritage into her new Phoenix Valley family.

Damascus brought up the other territories in the area. Xeris' thoughts immediately turned toward Inferni. She would need to teach her friend about their borders and the dangers of crossing them--even by accident. "I will teach you what I know about the area," she spoke up. "That is, if you are willing to accept him on our lands. She turned her golden eyes to Jefferson at this last statement. "We could definitely use some fire for the cold winter. And Damascus, can see," she paused for a moment, realizing that she hadn't even told Jefferson the news she was about to reveal, "My pups."

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