Burn it to the Ground

        He was starting to recognize the woman’s expression; the feelings so plainly displayed on her fair face. It was the same force that caused his heart to flutter every time Alexey was near. He felt oddly fragile now, knowing that they shared the same emotion for something. He believed he was starting to understand now. Beautiful soul the woman said. Conor knew he loved Alexey for who she was. Although he was not oblivious of her beautiful figure, that was not why he loved his guardian. He loved her for the beauty he found behind her dazzling amber eyes. Thinking about her caused a ripple of sadness and bliss to gently caress his cheek. He understood the Crimson Dreamer’s words now and smiled serenely.

Her question was rather silly though. ”Of course.” He’d go through heaven and hell for the latte Dahlian female. He suppressed a sigh bleeding with emotion. This was the first time he had been able to reveal that he held such emotions for another individual. It felt nice. "Do you love my sister then?" he now asked, wanting to be certain of this. If she did then he was glad. If anyone deserved happiness and devotion, it was his older half sibling. Coli deserved so much more than the past had granted her.


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