destroy everything you touch
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Halo would not have not bothered with the stranger’s call at all if it had not been for the fact that she had been close by the time the howl sounded. Despite having spent half the day dancing with one of the twins she did not feel too bad. In the start when she had started her physical training the days had been full of pain and pain and so much more pain. It had kept her mental issues at bay, but her body had adapted well to her new life style by now. The swords that had once been so heavy in her hands were now close to weightless, not at all hard to handle like before.

The twins had been left in the mansion and Halo thought it was a shame she had not brought them, this despite the clear distinction of a coyote in the stranger’s call. Perhaps it was comfort she was after. Carrying deadly items made her feel much better. She had taken the lupus form a few hours ago in search for the meal of the day, and her belly was still empty. No luck today. Long and strong limbs strode to greet the stranger female. Her ruby gaze was alert as she slithered into view. Her wolf blood had at least given her some extra size in her plain form. ”Yeah?” her light melody sounded warily. She had lost her ability to trust along with her virginity.


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