Burn it to the Ground
         Eyes filled up with thought when the confirmation was given. He did not know if he should be surprised or not when he felt joy spring forth. He was happy for his older sister. Happy someone finally had been able to see who she truly was; someone beautiful and pure that deserved happiness. Conor loved Coli, but he knew she was miserable here. Ears folded back towards his skull when his expression became more serious. ”Then you must take her away from here. It’s not safe. If her father finds out he will do everything he can to make her life a living hell.” As if it wasn’t already. Conor’s grudge towards Haku ran especially deep when it came to his eldest daughter. He had ruined so much for her and it never seemed to be enough. Conor could not even imagine what Haku would do if he found out that Colibri had a love.

He looked away from the serene woman, worrying about his blue eyed sister. The woman’s question hit him hard despite that it had been obvious that it had been on its way. The boy’s lavender gaze did not wander back to the woman as he sighed heavily. People would not understand. Not even Alexey would understand if he ever told her. There was no way he could show her how he felt. ”Someone I can never have.” his voice was so filled with sadness it was a small wonder his eyes were still dry. Oh, but how he ached for her, always. ”I just.. wish I could show her how much she means to me..” the boy mumbled, not really talking to the Crimson Dreamer when speaking those last words. Oh, how he wished there could be happy endings in real life as well.


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