The dawn is coming
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Sorry, såg isje denne! Btw, kan me backdata an til før thread me Cercelee? thnx!

    The thought of visiting his sister and her litter had never even crossed the man’s mind. It was odd how they were becoming strangers. It was all his fault; he simply did not care anymore. His attention was slowly drawing inwards and most of the time he was lost in a haze as he automatically tracked the borders in circles again and again. He was slowly losing himself and he knew it all too well. What he could not decide was whether or not he was looking forward to it. It was too late to do anything about it – he was already damned – so why not welcome the incoming death with open arms? He would go on as always, of course, but he held no anticipation for the future anymore. He would do what he could as long as the last pieces of sanity lingered. After that, well, that would be a completely different story.

Why he was in Wolfville today was beyond his understanding, but the scents that at once point revealed them were strange yet familiar. The man automatically tracked the intriguing scents to Mew’s current residence – or what seemed to be anyway. The scent of Dahlia’s newest family was strong here and the secui nosed the door open only to lay eyes on a puppy that he had never seen before. The child seemed just as surprised as Haku was. Slowly, a grimace of distaste spread across the Lilium’s once so handsome face. Although they once would grow up to become useful members of the pack, he despised children.


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