Burn it to the Ground

300+ ^_^

A few imprisoned butterflies caressed his inner walls as the woman spoke. Oh, how he wanted to believe her. He wanted to know this Dreamer, this pleasant and warm soul that did not seem to even consider turning against him when he had revealed that people would see him and Alexey as wrong if they ever – in his wildest and most imaginative – ended up together. No, he was alone with his burdened heart, but this did not necessarily mean that he would sit idle and do nothing. No, not as long as the seductive warmth of love radiated through him. He also felt slightly let down then, because she had said that if the two loved each other then that was all they would need. He would never be able to call Alexey his. She did not feel as he felt and she had even kicked him out of her bedroom as he had grown older because she was afraid people might start to talk.

The boy sighed heavily and shook his head miserably. ”She doesn’t love me the way I love her..” To say this out loud actually made him hurt. ”Why?” the boy wanted to scream out. His lips stayed shut though and instead he attempted to empty his lavender gaze for sorrow. Instead he should focus on being happy for Coli. His ears flattened fully and a small whine escaped the male as the woman spoke of holding hands and kissing. Images flashed in front of his eyes: Alexey holding his han;, Alexey kissing his cheek or forehead; Alexey hugging him close. Why couldn’t things have been different? He did not want to be her child any longer. ”Kiss on the cheek?” the boy’s voice wondered now, wanting her to say yes so that he could continue to show his love in secret without really giving Alexey a chance to figure out his hidden emotions.


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