Before the start our love drifted apart

Death was alien to the young boy. It was not uncommon that loved ones died – not in these lands anyway – but Haku was still too young to have been confronted with death. Prey and random animals died, but they were not wolves. They did not count. Haku did not weep if he found a dead mouse. The beetle’s death had not reached him – it had been a toy that he had been fond of at that moment, but it had not been a life in that toy as far as the boy knew. There were no clear lines on such things. Everything was blurry at best. He was a child, and a very young one.

She seemed sad, bur right now that was good because his beetle had been crushed. He howled out the loss for his cool toy and for his mommy to come, but the whining quickly died down when the girl’s voice turned from stupid mean to quite kind. She said interesting things. Haku had never seen a dead person before and to be able to see what they – who were they!—had done to her sounded really scary and exciting at the same time. He wanted to see the dead body! ”o-okay,” the pathetic child sniffled loudly, snotty and with a wet face. Eeeww.


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