Burn it to the Ground


Just like her love, Conor’s love was not of the most common kind. Not in this sense anyway. Mature women would probably forever and always remain heavily desired by young, inexperienced males. What made Conor’s case special was that he had yet to fully take in his physical attraction to the beautiful latte woman. No, what drove the Soul male was emotional, irresistible, unconditional love. Desire was present – for when is it not, though his emotions was what made his heart flutter every time the golden eyed woman was near. Her voice questioned him again, but it was getting more difficult now, for he wished not to reveal enough to let his love gain a face with the Crimson Dreamer. Maybe this woman did not know her, but there were enough of relatives back in her pack lands. No, he simply could not risk this. Not until Alexey knew, at least. ”That’s reality. She is out of my league anyway,” he added rather unhappily.

Blood rushed to his cheeks as the woman’s suggestion reached his cinnamon coated ears. He turned away and wished there was some way he could hide his face without making it obvious that he did. A small smile danced along his lips though; thinking about it made warmth flood through him with renewed intensity. His more submissive inner voice shrieked at the growing possibility of a kiss. He was in agony already, so what would change? It happened that she held his hand and touched him. Perhaps she was being subtle too. He mentally grimaced at his sudden positivity and need to show the Caretaker how he really felt about her. He wanted to go through with it more than he had ever wanted to go through with anything. Yet he dreaded the thought and wanted to hold on to what he had at the moment.


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